56 Vision board ideas for inspiration and insight.

Vision board ideas for adults, kids, work, and friends.

Design with your idea

Vision board ideas and prompts for surprising new perspectives.

Vision boards are collections of images, words, quotes, and other symbols collected to represent something we want. We use vision boards to flesh out dreams and goals, and we use them as inspiration. We also use them to learn things about ourselves.

Vision boards can be made on actual boards that you hang as a poster, or they can be compiled in bullet journals or collages. You can even cover a 3D object with vision board clippings for a view that changes depending on the angle you look at it. Digital vision boards are popular, too.

A vision board’s main purpose is to tap the law of attraction. What you visualize, you’re more likely to make a reality. Vision boards also keep you motivated and help you focus on goals. See what happens when you try some of these vision board ideas for yourself.

Vision board ideas for adults.

The more specific your vision board ideas, the more effective they’ll be. Popular prompts like a “things that are pink” board might look cute for a photo, but if a vision board is going to motivate you, its theme needs to be based on your future.

These vision board ideas dig into the fundamentals of adulting: financial goals, health goals, life goals, and more.

Vision boards aren’t always filled with images. Try a vision board made entirely of quotes. You can also get more specific and make one filled with “overcoming hardship quotes” or “quotes that make me laugh.”

  • Personal values vision board.

You probably know what your values are. Have you put them into words already? Have you put them into images on a vision board? As you choose images that resonate and piece them together, you might notice that many also represent a value you didn’t know was so important to you.

  • Philanthropic vision board.

Make a vision board of things you want to do for the community. Use images from specific groups or organizations you want to support. Use words and imagery to represent everything you could do, from volunteering to donating.

  • Healthy eating vision board.

Your vision board should be filled with healthy foods that are meaningful to you, not just what you “think” we should eat. Look for photos you find irresistible that use ingredients you want to use more of, or that show portion sizes you want to aim for. This vision board will stir accountability and appetite at the same time.

  • Travel vision board.

“I love to travel” has become cliché. Turn your favorite destinations or travel style into a vision board to say something more. Why is travel important to you? What does it look like? Where will you go?

  • Local tourism board.

We praise travel but avoid tourism in our own cities. Make a vision board of all the things where you live that you could see or do with a little local tourism.

  • Self-love vision board.

Collect positive affirmations that mean something to you. They might be mantras, famous quotes, or things people have said to you directly. Turn them into a poster of how deserving you are of love — yours and everyone else’s.

  • Goal vision board.

What goal are you trying to tackle? The one that’s been on your list the longest might be the one needing a vision board. Use a vision board or a bullet journal to put your next steps into a visual you find motivating.

  • Learning goals vision board.

Once we’re adults, learning goals can be hobby-based or as formal as a degree. Use this vision board to depict what you want to learn, why, and how. Include how you see yourself putting the work in, too.

  • Family goals vision board.

Family goals can be anything. Maybe you want to spend more family time together. Maybe you want specific things for each member of the family. Maybe you want to start a family.

  • Home improvement vision board.

This vision board might be filled with interior design inspiration or depict upgrades you’re hankering for.

  • Bucket list vision board.

Collect your bucket list experiences, places, and goals in a vision board. You can group them by timeline for added visual impact, too.

  • Moods-by-day vision board.

Keep a vision board for a full month and add an image, color, or word each day that represents how you feel. Add it at the same time every day. After a month, you’ll have a visual representation of your overall mood, and it might surprise you.

  • Happy memories vision board.

This isn’t a future-facing vision board, but it can tell you something about what to do more of to live your best life. Collect photos of happy memories — they have to be your photos, but that’s the only rule. What do you see most when your vision board is full?

  • Role models vision board.

Collect images of people you admire (from your own life or from the media). Put them together on a vision board along with what you admire about them. Every day, ask yourself how you can channel one of the qualities you see on your board.

  • Gratitude vision board.

On one half, depict what you’re grateful for now. On the other, depict what you wish you could be grateful for (but haven’t achieved yet). This gives you gratitude to build from and helps visualize the desires you might not have put to words yet.

road-trip AND scrapbook

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Vision board ideas for kids.

Vision boards are a great exercise for kids, too. School-age kids and young adults are learning to recognize and describe their feelings and identify their goals. Use these vision board ideas to help them form plans, get inspired, and articulate forming opinions.

This audience is often more comfortable making digital vision boards. Let Adobe Express help turn these vision board ideas into memorable activities with vision board collages and posters to save and share.

  • Adventure board with a favorite character.

Is your child a huge fan of Sonic, or Wonder Woman, or another iconic character? Help make a vision board that maps out an adventure your kid would love to accompany that favorite character on.

  • Musical vision board.

A musical vision board can include favorite songs, singers, and representations of what music means to them.

  • Family vision board.

Leave this vision board idea intentionally open-ended. What does “family” mean to your child? The final vision board might depict immediate or extended family. There are no wrong answers.

  • Friends vision board.

A friends vision board helps kids visualize what friendship means to them. Who are their friends? What do friends do together? Does anything appear on the board that a child wants but doesn’t have?

  • Art and doodles vision board.

This vision board can be a hand-drawn or digital collage of doodles based on drawing ideas or other prompts.

  • Perfect day vision board.

What does your child’s “perfect day” look like? A vision board will show you. See how much of it you could have guessed and what comes as a surprise.

  • Birthday vision board.

Even if your kid’s next birthday is months away, a birthday vision board can be enjoyed ahead of time. What does the perfect birthday look like? How does your child imagine life after celebrating the next lap around the sun?

  • Family vacation vision board.

What does “family vacation” mean to your kids? Make an activity of putting that vision board together. Include favorite vacations that have already happened and vacations your kids dream of taking.

board AND vision AND sticker AND fun

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Vision boards for work.

Vision boards for work can be personal, or they can be office-wide objectives to help everyone learn something about themselves and their colleagues.

For some of us, work makes us our most organized and goal-oriented selves. We have passion for our hobbies, too, but work has the added incentive of a paycheck. Vision boards can be even more effective in work environments because the backdrop is one of the objectives. Get started with these vision board ideas and see what happens.

  • Desired job vision board.

Make a vision board that represents your perfect job, but favor a role that already exists or one that could be offered if you campaign for it. This makes it attainable instead of just a fantasy.

  • Desired pay or benefits vision board.

If you have any lifestyle goals, your paycheck and benefits (like vacation and health coverage) probably affect it. To reach your goals, make a vision board that depicts what work needs to provide to support the life you want to live.

  • Continuing education vision board.

Some workplaces have continuing education benefits, but even if yours doesn’t, you can build a vision board of what skills or knowledge you want to develop that advance your bigger work goals.

  • Future milestones vision board.

Set this up like a boardgame with a winding sidewalk from end to end. This is your timeline. Fill in the milestones you want to meet for the outcome you’re after, which you depict in the final square.

  • Company culture board.

For better or worse, every workplace has a culture. If you make this vision board with others at the office, you can compare your perceptions. If you do this on your own, you can make a company culture vision board that represents your ideal workplace.

  • Leadership vision board.

Make a vision board that depicts what you think leadership is. Maybe you hold a leadership role and your vision board shows the values you try to live up to. Maybe you depict leaders at work who you admire. Or maybe you make an inspiring vision board of what the perfect leader looks like.

  • Recognition vision board.

Collect images, words, and things people have said to you that give you a feeling of recognition for your work. You can also depict recognition you’re hungry for.

  • Resume vision board.

Depict your resume with images, graphics, symbols, and standalone words. What does the sum of your experience look like in a vision board collage or flyer? What would a potential employer see in it?

collage AND hed AND doodle

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Vision boards between friends.

Vision board parties, anyone? Making vision boards with friends gives you the opportunity to build off the visions of people you know and like. Some of these vision board ideas give you the chance to learn what your friends think about you, too.

Get together to work on one of these vision board ideas and the final product can be a poster that everyone cherishes.

  • Future memories vision board.

Search individually for images that can represent memories you hope to make with your friends. Then everyone adds their own idea of memories you hope to make into one fun vision board.

  • Things you admire vision board.

Split a vision board in two. On one side, depict what you admire about a friend. On the other side, that friend depicts what s/he admires about you.

  • Friend bucket list vision board.

It's one thing to have a vision board bucket list, and it’s another to have a bucket list of things you dream of doing with your friends. Have one friend or several get together to make a collage of bucket-list dreams of the things you would only do with friends.

  • Perfect friend resume vision board.

Split a vision board in two. On one side, depict how you imagine the perfect friend. What is that person like? How does that person make you feel? On the other side, a friend depicts the same. How do your ideas of friendship compare?

  • Hangout ideas vision board.

This vision board is for anyone who’s ever sat around with friends and asked, “what do you wanna do?” Make a vision board together of all the hangout ideas that might be fun.

  • The “four sides of self” vision board.

This can be done on two vision boards or on one board divided into four quadrants. In the first section, depict how you see yourself. In the next, depict how you believe others see you. Then, friends fill the third section with how they see you. They fill the final section with how they believe you see yourself. The differences section-to-section are often amazing.

  • The life-you-want-for-them vision board.

If you have friends who want advice or help, make a vision board of the “life you want for them.” Include images of things you know are important to them, and don’t be shy to depict things you feel they could do that would help them get to their goals.

  • Accountability buddy vision board.

When you and a friend have a mutual goal, join forces to make a vision board for it. This adds accountability and doubles-up on motivation. Who knows? Maybe what your friend adds will motivate you in ways you don’t think of for your own vision board.

vision-board AND friend AND travel AND quote

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Vision board prompts.

Vision board ideas are based on specific themes. They’re a great springboard into inspiration and to get dreams organized. They aren’t the only way to use vision boards, though. You can also try vision board prompts that take questions you think you know the answers to — but you have to answer them visually. Once you complete your vision board answer, what you see might surprise you.

  • What makes you happy?

Remember, this is answered as a vision board, so you can use images, drawings, words, and souvenirs. Once you’re done, look to see how many things on your board are sources of happiness in your life now. How many involve specific people? What other recurring themes can you pick out?

  • What’s out of reach for you?

This vision board prompt requires some vulnerability and is great for bullet journals. In this vision board, collect images and words you feel represent things you want, but can’t attain. Maybe they’re out of reach financially or physically. What do you see when your vision board is full? Are there any unfair barriers you’ve put up for things you could actually reach for?

  • How do you wish others would see you?

We have preconceived notions of how others see us, and we’re usually wrong. How do you wish others would see you, though? What qualities do you want people to associate with you? Make a vision board of how you want others to view you, then ask yourself: what can you develop or change to inspire that association?

  • What things could you do now to advance goal [X]?

This vision board prompt is a great brainstorm tool. Pick any goal you have on your mind. Even if it’s a big, months-long goal, what actions could you take toward it now? Make a vision board of “things I can do today” or “things I can do this week” to generate some momentum.

  • What are the words you associate with yourself.

Browse magazines, online articles, and even news. What are the first words you see that you associate with yourself? Collect a good list as you read through, then make a vision board of them. What recurring themes or trends do you notice about the words you assign to yourself?

  • What images represent you five years ago, and which represent you today?

Pick the images — of you, or of things that represent your life at a given time — and compare the “old you” to the “today you.”

  • If the perfect college degree for you existed, what would it be?

If there were a whole college program devoted to studying what you love most, what would it be? Make a vision board of everything you would learn and how you would feel immersing yourself in it.

  • What would you be like if you were an outrageously popular rockstar?

If you weren’t just a successful but a beloved rockstar, what would your persona be? What real things about you would be enhanced? What qualities that you wish you had would you radiate? Depict it in a vision board.

  • What would the best day of your life look like?

If you’re married and your wedding fit the “best day of your life” paradigm, great. That’s not what this is about, though. In this vision board, collect images, words, and other items that represent what the perfect day would look like for you now.

  • What would your dream mentor be like?

Whether it’s a work mentor or someone to help with your personal life, make a vision board of what the ideal mentor would look like for you. How much help would you expect? How would you want the mentor’s guidance to come?

  • Who or what do you trust most?

Fill a vision board with sources you trust. This might include people, news sources, websites, media personalities, and more. When your vision board is full, what do you notice? Is there an abundance or absence of any type of source?

  • What do you value most in relationships?

This vision board prompt is especially handy for romantic relationships. Fill a vision board with things that represent what you value most in a relationship. Consider having your partner do the same, and then comparing the vision boards when you’re done.

  • Fill in the blank: “my life would be incomplete without...”

Once this vision board is full, you’ll have a glorious representation of things in your life that you can be grateful for.

  • What does self-care look like to you?

Make a vision board with images, words, and quotes that represent self-care to you. The question to ask when you’re done is: how much time or effort do you devote to these things? You can also see trends, for example if you define self-care with one kind of activity over another.

  • What qualities that you see in other people motivate you?

Pick people from your life or personalities from the media. You can even include fictional characters. Who do you find motivational, and why? Depict the people as well as their qualities. What qualities do you make the most effort to imitate? Which ones could you devote more effort to?

  • If you had superpowers, what would they be and what would you achieve?

Depict yourself as a superhero in a vision board. Show all your superpowers and what you would do with them. Don’t forget your superhero alter ego and cool mask.

vision-board AND beach AND cozy

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How effective are vision boards?

The vision board benefit that’s talked about first is the power of manifesting goals by visualizing them. This means that vision boards, once completed, should be kept and used as a constant reminder to inspire and motivate us.

Vision boards were first made with magazine clippings and photos, but today they can be digital posters, too. Collage-style vision boards can also be physical or digital.

Your vision boards can also be repurposed. Whether you start digitally or not, you can take an image of the finished board and use it in banners, flyers, and even social media graphics. Adobe Express can help you make and use vision boards everywhere to get their maximum benefit.

Exercise: Is a vision board enough?

Vision boards are powerful tools to inspire and help us organize dreams. If we repurpose our vision boards as banners, posters, and flyers, that helps get the maximum inspiration we can out of them.

That’s still not enough, though.

What comes after a vision board is action. Here’s how you move from your vision board to a plan:

Look at your vision board and write your goal as a single statement.
List out what challenges you face to make that goal happen.
List out your options to overcome each challenge.
Then choose the best option for you and start by overcoming the first challenge.

In the words of Pablo Picasso, “everything you can imagine is real.”

Adobe Express can help.

Adobe Express has tons of templates and beginner-friendly design tools to put your favorite vision board ideas to work. If you want to use vision board ideas in posters, banners, collages, flyers, or other creative projects, Adobe Express makes it as simple as picking a template and personalizing it, or making your own idea with easy-to-use tools. Whatever message you want to convey, Adobe Express brings it to life, no experience required.

Design with your idea