30+ Free Christmas flyer ideas and templates to customize for your holiday season



Use one of these free Christmas flyer templates to create an invitation for your Christmas party, White Elephant bash, toy drive, cookie exchange, or however else you celebrate this Yuletide, including starting your own gift giving traditions. Customize the flyer with information on whether guests should come in ugly Christmas sweaters or bring homemade treats to share. Additionally, these templates can be used as invitations or announcements.

How to make a Christmas flyer for free

  1. Start by creating a new Adobe Express Christmas flyer project.
  1. Remix the template to make it your own.
  1. Resize to extend the utility of your flyer.
  1. Save and share your new Christmas flyer.

How to customize your Christmas flyer

When using Adobe Express to customize your new Christmas flyer, there are a few ways to make your template personalized for your needs:

  1. Add text.
  1. Edit or change backgrounds.
  1. Play with design elements.

Choose the right Christmas flyer for you

Adobe Express has all the free customizable templates you could need for your Christmas events and get-togethers. Try any of these examples or explore our vast template library for all kinds of holiday inspiration!

Christmas party flyers

Flyers for Christmas markets and fairs

White Elephant party flyers

Christmas caroling and holiday show flyers

Christmas gift exchange and Secret Santa flyers

Free Adobe Express Christmas flyer template examples

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