Twitter Analytics: 6 Metrics To Grow Your Social Presence

Twitter is proof that less is more. On the social media platform where 280 characters or less can give you viral potential, brands publish multiple times a day to get their content seen and shared by thousands of potential customers. But since we can’t all go viral at once, waiting for that one golden tweet won’t get you very far. You need to start tracking your Twitter analytics to turn your efforts into consistent results.

One of the great things about Twitter is that performance-tracking is built into every account. Your Twitter Analytics hub takes seconds to set up and is oh-so easy to navigate—so no excuses! We’ll provide the must-knows about using metrics to improve your Twitter marketing, so you’re all set to use your analytics to the max.


How To Access Twitter Analytics

Getting started with Twitter Analytics for the first time is simple. All you need to do is head to, log into your Twitter account, and follow the prompts to turn on analytics.

Once you’ve opted in, you can head to your analytics hub at any time by going straight to that URL. Or, if you’re already looking at your Twitter feed on your computer, you can simply tap “More” on the left-hand sidebar, then select “Analytics” from the drop-down.

Twitter Analytics: Dropdown menu from Twitter

6 Key Twitter Metrics To Track

The one thing hips and numbers have in common is they definitely don’t lie. When you’re perfecting your Twitter strategy, looking at your metrics can give you tremendous insight into what content your target audience actually wants to see.

Learn what six key metrics on the Twitter Analytics tool mean and how to improve them by reading below. (Blasting Shakira in the background: optional.)

1. Follower Growth

Your follower growth rate is exactly what it sounds like. It describes how quickly you’re gaining (or losing) followers.

Though your follower count doesn’t always translate into real results—having half a million followers doesn’t guarantee sales—tracking your growth can tell you if your content resonates with your current Twitter audience and is generating interest among other users.

On the Twitter Analytics dashboard, you can track this metric in two ways:

How To Take Action

If you’re losing followers or not growing as fast as you’d like, this may indicate that your Twitter followers are losing interest. This isn’t always a bad thing. If you recently rebranded, for example, it’s normal to have some users outside your target market dropping off—leaving the ones that will actually engage—before you start seeing growth again.

But if you’re not doing anything different or you’re not seeing improvements after a month, take a moment to identify who your audience is, as well as 3-5 on-brand topics they’re interested in. Take a look at your top tweets (from the “Tweets” tab) for inspiration. Then, start creating more relevant content by ensuring every post falls within those few topics.

Once your existing followers are no longer dropping off, add niche hashtags (think #womenintech over #tech) to get your content seen by more of the right audiences, so you can gain new followers.

2. Engagement Rate

Twitter Analytics: Infographic showing Twitter engagement rate

Your Twitter engagement rate can tell you the number of engagements—including likes, replies, clicks, and retweets—you received per impression (or view) your tweets received. This metric is crucial for driving results. After all, how can you make a sale on your website if Twitter users aren’t even clicking on your posts?

To track engagement rate in the Twitter Analytics hub, head to the “Tweets” tab. Scroll down to see your engagement rate for your selected time period (on the right-hand side) or for specific tweets.

How To Take Action

Not impressed by your engagement metrics or seeing a downward trend? If you’ve already started honing in on content that’s relevant to your audience, the issue may be that users aren’t really seeing your content at all. Think about how many times you scroll past posts without reading each day. We’re all living with major content overload, so you need eye-catching tweets to gain anyone’s attention.

Take a look at your top tweets. What patterns do you see? What type of content is making users focus on you?

Visuals are often key here. Design click-worthy social media graphics that spark your audience into action. Engage with your audience using GIFs and animations. Your goal is to stand out, so don’t be afraid to play around until you find the content and aesthetic that works best for your brand’s Twitter profile.

Twitter Analytics: Infographic showing the number of link clicks

Just below your engagement rate on the Twitter Analytics dashboard, you can find the total number of times people clicked on your shared links during your selected time period. You’ll also see the average amount of link clicks you gained.

This metric is a must if one of your social media marketing goals is to drive followers to your website, product listings, or any other external page. It tells you if users actively left their feed to learn more about whatever your Twitter campaign is all about.

How To Take Action

Social media users won’t always know what action to take if you don’t tell them. Eye-catching Twitter content gets people to pay attention, but if you’re not earning link clicks, you may need to include or improve your call to actions (CTAs).

Go beyond generic CTAs like “click here” or “tap this link.” Guide them toward the link by providing some enticing context about what they can gain. Here’s a great, simple example from Louis Vuitton:

Screenshot from the Louis Vuitton Twitter account

4. Website Conversions

You’re gaining those link clicks. So how do you know if Twitter users are actually doing what you want them to do once they’re on your site?

Twitter Analytics makes this easy by allowing you to set up website conversion tracking. Just tap “More” on the top menu and select “Conversion Tracking” to get started. You’ll be able to create a “website tag” and install it on your site, which basically allows Twitter to collect and provide you with data about what actions users are taking after a link click (and who those users are).

It’s a lot like a Facebook Pixel, if you’ve ever used one, and is the reason you may see Twitter ads from the same brands for days after clicking once. Using this feature is particularly important if you’re running ads, as it can help you track your return on investment (ROI).

How To Take Action

Having trouble scoring those conversions? Ask yourself these questions:

Make adjustments based on your answers.

5. Retweets Per Day

Infographic showing the number of retweets per day

Heading back to the “Tweets” tab of your Twitter Analytics dashboard, scroll down to find the average number of times your content was retweeted per day within your selected date range. This will be separated into two sections:

Retweets are important for your Twitter performance, as they help you reach significantly more users with individual tweets. And when someone shares your content, their friends and family will take it as an endorsement for your brand—basically like free influencer marketing!

How To Take Action

Creating highly shareable content is key to gaining retweets and boosting the number of impressions your content receives. A CTA can be helpful here, too. Consider adding fun CTAs, like “RT to spread the good vibes” when sharing an inspirational quote graphic.

Beyond that, creating shareable content is key. Customize stunning templates from an easy content creation tool to make visuals that users will want their friends to see!

6. Video Completion Rate

If you’re a video creator—and anyone can be with a simple video editing tool—tracking your video completion rate will tell you if Twitter users are actually paying attention, or if they’re clicking in and quickly tapping back out. This metric shows you the total number of completions per video view you receive.

Tap “More” on your Twitter Analytics menu and select “Videos” to see completion rates for each individual video you post.

How To Take Action

When you’re trying to improve this metric, keep in mind that you really only have five seconds to capture video viewers’ attention on most platforms. On Twitter—one of the most fast-paced social networks around—tighten up your content even more. Put your most eye-catching content within the first three seconds. Then, for the remainder of your video, make sure there’s a highly engaging element at least once every few seconds. Don’t just sit in front of the camera for 30 seconds—switch frames, use B-roll, and move!

As your metrics—everything from your follower growth to your video completion rate—improves, get even more out of your social media strategy. Learn about the best tactics for running a Twitter business account.