What are 3D textures and how do you create them?
Working with textures is a crucial step in 3D modeling. Think of textures as the clothing or the skin of a 3D object. Everything from color to physical appearance is controlled by texturing or applying materials.

What is 3D texturing?

Image by Jean-Bastien Juneau-Rouleau.
Choose a type of material and texture.
Types of materials:
Basic materials.
Physically based rendering (PBR).
PBR materials became possible with the improvement of RAM in computer hardware, allowing for more complex algorithmic computations. PBR materials have a set of parameters artists can change to accurately mimic real-world surfaces. A PBR material can be moved into any scene, regardless of lighting configurations, and it will appear accordingly.
There are ten different types of maps that are used in PBR:
1. Albedo
2. Normal
3. Roughness
4. Metalness
5. Specular
6. Height
7. Opacity
8. Ambient occlusion
9. Refraction
10. Emissive color
It is not uncommon to come across non-PBR materials, however, these are not standardized, so every program that uses them may vary greatly in approach.
Stages of texturing 3D models.
UV unwrapping.
Texture painting and shading.
Lighting and rendering.

Images by Jean-Bastien Juneau-Rouleau.

How to create 3D textures.
1. Good texturing starts with modeling.
A model with poor topology will be very difficult to UV unwrap and texture. Because of the tiling nature of materials and texturing, often seams become unavoidable, and when poorly managed can cause issues in how a texture appears. For example, a harsh seam may appear where it doesn’t physically make sense for one to exist. This causes a visible line in a texture where two textures don’t sit next to each other seamlessly.
When you model using Substance 3D Modeler, you don’t have to worry about polygons or UV unwrapping at all. Modeler uses a voxel-based approach, which allows you to sculpt a model as if you were working with clay. Once you’re done, Modeler will handle converting your sculpt into a mesh and will also UV unwrap the mesh for you.
2. Paint in real-time.
3. Photo scan your own materials.

Image by Jean-Bastien Juneau-Rouleau.
Learn more about 3D textures.
Texturing is an invaluable step in every 3D pipeline. It’s also a useful avenue for creativity and expression. Whether you are painting your textures by hand or creating photorealistic materials, getting this step right can make or break your project.
To learn more about how you can create stunning textures with Substance 3D, check out this helpful guide as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
As a part of Substance 3D, we offer subscribers access to Substance 3D Assets, an ever-growing library that currently has over 15,000 assets. This includes a number of pre-built materials and textures you can use in personal and commercial projects.
You can also create custom materials from scratch using Substance 3D Sampler, Designer, and Painter.