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Defining the region to repeat horizontally

The secret to creating a horizontal repeat region is to apply the Repeat Region server behavior to HTML elements that can display content side by side. The two most common page elements that can do this are the following:

table cells (<td>content</td>)
non-breaking-spaces (content<nbsp>)

Table cells offer more flexibility than non-breaking spaces because you can place several recordset fields within one cell—plus you have some measure of control over the cell's layout.

In the Andes example, you decide to use table cells to display the product thumbnails. The first step is to create a single-cell table (the repeat region will add the other cells in the table at runtime). After adding text placeholders for the content, the table looks as follows in UltraDev:

Next, you replace the text placeholders with dynamic content. For instructions, see "Adding Dynamic Content" in UltraDev Help (Help > Using UltraDev), or on page 133 of the Using Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 manual. With Live Data turned on (View > Live Data), the table displays the first product in the recordset:

The next step is to apply the Repeat Region server behavior to the table cell, as described in the next section of the article.

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