Get prepared for network events in London: tips for success in the UK capital.

London is a major business hub full of networking opportunities that can help to build new connections and promote your brand. Get the most out of London networking events for your small business with Adobe Express.

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They say, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. And as one of the world’s industry powerhouses, London thrives with new opportunities. With a variety of business districts across the city, you won’t need to look far to find networking events in London.

If you’re heading to a London networking event, you’ll need to get prepared. That means arming yourself with business cards, a pen and a plan. Expand your knowledge, build connections, and promote your brand with our London networking tips.

How and where to network in London.

It’s no secret that London is a booming commercial hub, with over one million businesses in the city alone. There’s a great range of industries and professionals who live and work in the city. No matter your industry, finding networking events in London won’t be too difficult if you know where to look.

When networking in London, you’re likely to come across the following events:

12 tips for networking in London.

Attending a networking event in London can seem daunting. The trick is to find one that best suits your business. Once you’re there, it’s just a matter of greeting others, making a good first impression, and fostering valuable connections.

Prepare for your first London networking event with the following tips from Adobe Express.

1. Find the type of networking event that suits you.

You’re never too far from a networking event in London, and you’re spoilt for choice! There are several different kinds of events, such as:

Ask yourself what you hope to gain from networking and find an event that suits you as a person and as a business.

2. Make sure you read up on the event.

It can help to know who’s who before you attend a networking event in London – especially if the sector is quite small or niche. Check the exhibitor list to see which companies have a stand at the event, and check your digital networks to see if anyone has announced they’ll be attending. That way, you can have a good idea about the types of people or businesses you’ll be meeting before you arrive.

3. Attend the event with a clear objective in mind.

Before you attend your next networking event in London, it can help to work out what your purpose is for attending. Sure, it’s nice to meet new people. But you should also keep in mind the reason why you want to meet them.

Maybe you’re looking for some industry advice or an opportunity to partner with a fellow entrepreneur. You could even be using the event to find new clients. Whatever your reasoning, you can use this to inform your strategy and navigate your way through the event.

4. Join networking groups online.

Social media has made it easier than ever to find and participate in business networking events in London. You could join relevant groups on LinkedIn and Facebook, search for events on Eventbrite or sign up to an industry mailing list. If you’re around like-minded businesspeople, they may also share information on valuable networking events.

Check out some of our LinkedIn banner ideas below, to help you put your best foot forward in the professional space.

Editable LinkedIn templates for networking in London and beyond.

5. Nurture the contacts you already have.

Use the relationships you already formed to foster new connections. The learners of today are the leaders of tomorrow, so why not speak with uni friends and fellow alumni? You already have a shared commonality, and they might have great business opportunities for you. Alternatively, old colleagues may know people they could introduce you to.

6. But don’t be afraid to talk to strangers either.

While nurturing contacts is a great first step, you should also make the most of meeting new people too. Try not to rely on familiar faces for the whole of the event, and instead look for opportunities to introduce yourself to someone new. Who knows, that stranger could be an important connection for your business in the future.

7. Get involved.

This is especially true if the networking event is activity based. After all, there’s no point putting the hard work in just to sit on the sidelines. Activities can be a great way to break the ice more naturally, and show off some of your best personal and professional qualities – whether that’s problem solving, being a team player or having a positive mindset.

8. Bring your own business cards.

London network events buzz with activity and socialising, so expect to meet lots of people. It’s the perfect chance to share your brand with others, so bring plenty of professional business cards to hand out. Cards with unique designs can be a fun talking point, and they should have your contact details just in case people want to reach out afterwards.

Use these business card ideas for your next networking event in London.

9. Have your ‘elevator pitch’ prepared.

Whether you’re attending a London network event to escalate your business’ growth or find potential clientele, it’s a good to have a pitch in mind. Make sure you’re ready to explain what your business does and specifically how it can benefit the person you’re talking to. It also helps if you have specific people in mind that you’d like to connect with.

Keep it short and interesting – most elevator pitches are just 30 seconds. Here are 4 elevator pitch examples to help you get inspired:

10. Be ready for any follow-up questions.

It’s normal for prospective clients, partners or investors to ask follow-up questions about your business – especially if they’re interested in working with you. So make sure you know the ins and outs of your business.

A simple way to do this is a SWOT analysis, which lets you think about your business in terms of S trengths, W eakness, O pportunities and T hreats. You can then keep these elements in the back of your mind when discussing your business with new people.

11. Be an active listener.

While you might be there to represent your business, you need to be an active listener too. Ask questions about other people’s experiences, and see if you’ve had similar challenges or successes along the way. Listening is not only a great way to show your interest, but it can also help you gain a different perspective on your own line of work.

12. Keep the networking going and connect on LinkedIn.

Networking doesn’t have to just be in-person. The digital world is your oyster, and you can build professional connections online too. It’s important to be active on social media as a small business or freelancer. Boost your brand with an eye-catching logo or profile picture that’s consistent across all your social media brands, and make your presence known.

Useful things to know.

What do you do in a networking event?

Networking events provide an opportunity to establish professional relationships for your business. There are different types of events, but the goal is usually the same. When attending an event, it’s a good idea to greet people, take notes, hand out business cards and prepare brief talking points to build connections with potential partners and clients.

How do you get invited to a London networking event?

There are several networking events in London that you can sign up to online. You could join LinkedIn and Facebook groups, find events on Eventbrite or sign up to a mailing list. Word of mouth can also be useful, so it’s important to reconnect with people that you’re already familiar with.