Small business digital transformation roadmap.

A woman standing in a retail store uses a laptop to view her small business digital transformation roadmap. An introduction to digital transformation and how your small business can begin its digital journey.

The phrase “Digital transformation” isn’t as intimidating as it might sound. In fact, micro and small businesses everywhere are already on their digital transformation journey — some without even knowing it.

So, what is digital transformation, and how can you start your quest toward digitizing your (small and midsize business) SMB? Keep reading to learn more.

What is a digital transformation roadmap in business?

Digital transformation is a decisive shift to use digital technology to create new or modify existing business processes, procedures, cultures, and services. Essentially, digital transformation is about integrating technology into all areas of your business to optimize what you do and how you do it. By embracing digital transformation, small businesses can stay competitive, adjust to changes in the market, and ensure their long-term success.

What to include on a digital transformation roadmap?

Small businesses can approach the digital transformation journey in many ways. View a breakdown of tools and processes that can help:

Steps towards digital maturity.

Every company’s road to digital transformation will look different. Still, you can follow a few simple, straightforward steps to start the digital transformation process.

Consider steps toward digital maturity:

  1. Outline the cultural and technological shift you’ll be making in the company.
  2. Get employees on board.
  3. Set digital transformation goals.
  4. Create a streamlined document digitization process.
  5. Divide the digitization labor fairly.
  6. Go paperless using tools that optimize your daily processes, like electronic signatures and digital signatures.
  7. Train your employees thoroughly in the new digital procedures.
  8. Evaluate the digital workflows and whether they meet your business goals.
  9. Adjust workflows as needed.

Change the way you do business with digital transformation.

Digital business transformation starts with a few small steps. Sometimes, that first step is finding the right technology to lead the way. Find out more about everything that’s possible with Adobe Acrobat for business today, from editing PDFs to creating electronic signatures to securely signing digital documents.