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We’re glad you want to become a cloud signature partner.

Let's get started. 

In collaboration with the Cloud Signature Consortium, Adobe is proud to be the first global vendor to support a new, open standard for cloud-based digital signatures.


With a cloud signature, customers can use trusted, secure digital IDs to verify their identities. They can also sign documents in web browsers or on mobile devices — without needing to install desktop software, download documents, or plug in a token or smart card.


Read the brief  |  Meet today's cloud signature partners

Open new business opportunities. 

If you're a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), or your certificates are qualified on the European Union Trusted Lists (EUTL), now’s your chance to create an easier, better signing experience for your customers. We look forward to working with you to deliver anywhere, anytime signing that complies with the highest legal and regulatory requirements — including EU eIDAS Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES).


Please join us in taking the next big step to advance digital signatures:

  • Meet demand for high-security signing on web and mobile
  • Use a standards-based approach so you don’t have to create and maintain proprietary solutions
  • Get featured visibility inside our industry-leading Adobe software — Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Acrobat, and Acrobat Sign
  • Easily upgrade your existing certificate solutions for fast time to market


View webinar recording  |  View webinar slides

If your certificates are listed on AATL or EUTL, and you're ready to explore working with the new standard, fill out the form below to get started.

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