
Plongez dans l'imagination sans limites grâce aux nouveautés de Photoshop.

Créez des images inédites avec les dernières fonctionnalités d'IA générative disponibles dans l'application Photoshop (version bêta). Ajoutez, supprimez et développez du contenu, donnez vie à des images réalistes et bien plus encore. 

Essayez, le résultat est tout simplement incroyable!

Avec de simples prompts dans une centaine de langues, vous pouvez générer des images, ajouter ou supprimer des objets, transformer du texte, et bien plus encore.

Découvrez tout ce que vous pouvez faire dans Firefly.

flèche Bas

Faites votre choix parmi les modules ci-dessous et générez des images, ajoutez ou supprimez des objets, et bien plus encore.

Remplissage génératif

Servez-vous d'un pinceau pour supprimer des objets ou en peindre de nouveaux.

Générez des images à partir d'une description détaillée.

Appliquez des styles ou des textures à des mots ou à des phrases complètes.

Recoloration générative

Déclinez vos illustrations vectorielles dans plusieurs couleurs.

Du texte au modèle

Générez des modèles modifiables à partir d'une description détaillée.

Texte en image vectorielle

Générez des images SVG à partir d'une description détaillée.

Explorez tous les avantages de l'IA générative pour votre entreprise. Découvrez Firefly pour les entreprises.


Creators first.

Adobe is committed to developing generative AI responsibly, with creators at the centre. Our mission is to give creators every advantage — not just creatively, but practically. As Firefly evolves, we’ll continue to work closely with the creative community to build technology that supports and improves the creative process.

graphic of a silhouette of a person with a multicolor outline

Enhance the creative process.

The vision for Firefly is to help people expand upon their natural creativity. As both a product and an embedded model inside Adobe apps, Firefly offers generative AI tools made specifically for creative needs, use cases and workflows.

multicolor lightbulb graphic with a lightning bolt

Give creators practical advantages.

Trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content and public domain content, Firefly is designed to be safe for commercial use. To ensure that creators can benefit from generative AI, we’ve developed a compensation model for Adobe Stock contributors whose content is used in the dataset to retrain Firefly models.

content credentials message popup

Set the standard for responsibility.

Through efforts like the Content Authenticity Initiative and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity, we’re standing up for accountability, responsibility and transparency in generative AI. We’re working toward a universal “Do Not Train” Content Credentials tag that will remain associated with a piece of content wherever it’s used, published or stored.

Inspirez-vous des idées des autres.

Inspirez-vous des idées des autres.

Appuyez-vous sur la communauté Firefly pour trouver l'inspiration, partager vos images et exploiter celles des autres.

Collage d'images générées par des utilisateurs et des utilisatrices d'Adobe Firefly

Firefly est désormais intégré aux applications Adobe.

Réalisez des transformations inédites en un clin d'œil grâce à de nouvelles fonctionnalités optimisées par l'IA générative de Firefly. En quelques mots, créez de nouvelles illustrations, combinez des couleurs à l'infini, remplissez ou agrandissez des images et produisez des effets de texte spectaculaires.

Coraux multicolores entourant une sphère de verre avec des nuages à l'intérieur

Firefly de nouvelle génération, disponible dans Photoshop

La dernière version d'Adobe Firefly fait passer la qualité photographique au niveau supérieur. Donnez vie à des images réalistes inédites à l'aide de l'outil Remplissage génératif dont les performances ont été optimisées.

Outils Remplissage génératif et Du texte au modèle dans Adobe Express

Avec l'application tout-en-un de création de contenu pour les publications sur les réseaux sociaux, vidéos et autres PDF, vous pouvez utiliser l'outil Remplissage génératif pour ajouter, supprimer ou remplacer une partie d'une image. Vous pouvez également générer un modèle à partir d'un prompt grâce à l'outil Du texte au modèle.

Outil Texte en image vectorielle dans Illustrator

Générez des illustrations vectorielles personnalisables et redimensionnables à l'infini à l'aide d'une simple description et de l'outil Texte en image vectorielle. Créez des icônes, des motifs et bien plus encore pour vos ressources de marque, illustrations pour les réseaux sociaux, etc.

fauteuil en bois avec des prompts Adobe Firefly superposés

Outil Du texte à l'image, désormais dans InDesign

Créez des images à l'aide de simples prompts directement dans InDesign grâce aux modèles Adobe Firefly conçus pour une utilisation à des fins commerciales sans aucun risque. 

Find the right Firefly plan for you.

Révélez la magie créative qui sommeille en vous en utilisant les crédits génératifs d’Adobe pour accéder aux fonctionnalités optimisées par l’IA dans Firefly, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator et bien d’autres applications. Profitez de notre formule gratuite ou allez encore plus loin avec la version Premium. Des crédits génératifs sont également inclus dans plusieurs autres formules Adobe Creative Cloud.


Get started with 25 monthly generative credits.

0,00$ CAD/mois

No credit card required.


Get 100 monthly generative credits, Adobe Fonts Free and no watermarks on images generated by Firefly.


Billed monthly. Cancel any time.

Questions? We have answers.

Adobe Firefly is a stand-alone generative AI web application available at It offers new ways to ideate, create and communicate while significantly improving creative workflows using generative AI. In addition to the Firefly web app, Adobe also has the broader Firefly family of creative generative AI models, along with features powered by Firefly in Adobe’s flagship apps and Adobe Stock.

Firefly is the natural extension of the technology Adobe has produced over the past 40 years, driven by the belief that people should be empowered to bring their ideas into the world precisely as they imagine them.

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can translate text and other inputs into extraordinary results. While the conversation around this technology has centred on AI image and art generation, generative AI can do much more than generate static images from text prompts. With a few simple words and the right AI generator, anyone can create videos, documents and digital experiences, as well as rich images and art. AI art generators can also be useful for producing “creative building blocks” like brushes, vectors and textures that can add to or form the foundation of pieces of content.

As part of Adobe’s effort to design Firefly to be commercially safe, we’re training our initial commercial Firefly model on licensed content, such as Adobe Stock and public domain content where copyright has expired. Additionally, as a founding collaborator of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), Adobe is setting the industry standard for responsible generative AI. The CAI is a community of media and tech companies, NGOs, academics and others working to promote adoption of an open industry standard for content authenticity and provenance.

This is in conjunction with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), which has developed an open technical standard providing publishers, creators and consumers the ability to understand the origin of different types of media, including the ability to add a Content Credential that allows creators to indicate that generative AI was used. Find out more about content credentials.

AI generators like Firefly can enhance creativity by giving people new ways to imagine, experiment and bring their ideas to life. Firefly is unique because Adobe intends it to be more than an AI text-to-image generator. As part of Creative Cloud, we’re building Firefly to supplement the tools Adobe creators know and love with text-based editing and generation of a variety of media, from still images to video to 3D, as well as “creative building blocks” like brushes, vectors, textures and more.

For Firefly, the future vision is for creators to be able to use everyday language and other inputs to quickly be able to test out design variations, remove distractions from photos, add elements to an illustration, change the mood of a video, add texture to 3D objects, create digital experiences and more — then seamlessly customise and edit their content using a combination of Firefly and other Creative Cloud tools.

As a type of generative AI technology, AI art generators work similarly to other types of artificial intelligence, which use a machine learning model and large datasets to be able to produce a specific type of result. With generative AI, anybody can use everyday language and other inputs to produce images, videos, documents, digital experiences and more. Adobe Firefly is being built into Creative Cloud to give people the tools to both generate results quickly and customise them to fit their unique vision.

We are bringing Adobe Firefly to Creative Cloud apps. Features powered by Firefly can currently be found inside Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Express and Adobe Stock.

The Firefly stand-alone web application on has a free and Premium plan — opening up creativity to anyone at any design skill level by using everyday language to get extraordinary results with generative AI. Find out more or sign up for the Firefly Premium plan.

Votre abonnement Creative Cloud, Adobe Express, Adobe Firefly ou Adobe Stock inclut désormais des crédits génératifs mensuels vous permettant d'accéder aux fonctionnalités de création de contenu optimisées par Firefly. Les crédits génératifs vous permettent d'utiliser les fonctionnalités d'IA générative optimisées par Adobe Firefly. En savoir plus sur les crédits génératifs.

Firefly is bringing the power of generative AI to global audiences by supporting over 100 languages for text prompt inputs, as well as localising the Firefly website for more than 20 languages, starting with Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.

We currently support prompts in over 100 languages using machine translation to English provided by Microsoft Translator. Because of the nuances of each language, it’s possible certain generations based on translated prompts may be inaccurate or unexpected. We are working hard to identify and resolve any issues. To report incorrect translation results, hover over a generated image and click the Report tool.

Les fonctionnalités Remplissage génératif et Développement génératif sont intégrées en mode d'origine à l'application Photoshop pour ordinateur et en ligne. Rendez-vous sur cette page pour en savoir plus ou pour essayer ces fonctionnalités dans Photoshop.

The newer generation of image generation models within Firefly produces higher quality images, better interpretation of prompts and more accurate text in images. 

The current Firefly generative AI model is trained on a dataset of licensed content, such as Adobe Stock and public domain content where copyright has expired.

As Firefly evolves, Adobe is exploring ways for creators to be able to train the machine learning model with their own assets so they can generate content that matches their unique style, branding and design language without the influence of other creators’ content. Adobe will continue to listen to and work with the creative community to address future developments to the Firefly training models.

No, copies of customer content are not included in the Firefly models.

No. We do not train on any Creative Cloud subscribers’ personal content. For Adobe Stock contributors, the content is part of the Firefly training dataset, in accordance with Stock Contributor licence agreements.

We have developed and deployed generative AI at Adobe in accordance with our AI ethics principles of accountability, responsibility and transparency. Read our blog post to learn more about our approach and commitment to developing generative AI in a way that respects our customers and aligns with our company values.

Nous avons mis en place un modèle d'indemnisation pour les contributeurs et les contributrices Adobe Stock. Pour en savoir davantage, consultez la foire aux questions (FAQ) d'Adobe Stock.

As part of Adobe’s effort to design Firefly to be commercially safe, we are training our initial commercial Firefly model on licensed content, such as Adobe Stock and public domain content where copyright has expired.

Outputs from generative AI features without the beta label can be used commercially. Outputs from generative AI beta features can be used commercially unless otherwise designated in the product or elsewhere, but these outputs are not eligible for indemnification while in beta.

Sensei GenAI is Adobe’s new generative AI service that is being integrated natively in Adobe Experience Cloud to power end-to-end marketing workflows, dramatically improving enterprise productivity and efficiency. Firefly is a separate family of creative generative AI models coming to Adobe products, with an initial focus on image and text effect generation. Learn more about our generative AI efforts.

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