What can you do with {{after-effects}}?

Create animated text.
Unlock how to create a typewriter effect in Adobe {{after-effects}}.

Create impressive animations.
Add hand-drawn looks, movement, and shade in fun icons and drawings using Textured Motion.

Animate {{illustrator}} artwork.
Use shape tools to draw objects in {{illustrator}} and import your final file into {{after-effects}} to set art in motion.

Make luminous outlines.
Add glowing echoes to any video in Adobe {{after-effects}}.

Animate your logo.
Bring your logo to life. Make your brand’s web store come alive with interactive design elements.

Mask objects in Keylight.
Utilize built-in color keying effects like that produce professional-quality modern effects.
Need a quick edit? Your {{after-effects}} membership includes {{adobe-express}}.
Your free trial comes with more than great apps.
Tutorials, fonts, and more
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/tutorials-32.svg | Fonts Tutorials for the basics and beyond
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/fonts-32.svg | Fonts 20,000+ fonts at your fingertips
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/stock-32.svg | Adobe Stock One million+ free photos, drawings, video clips, and more
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/credits-32.svg | Generative Credits 500 monthly generative credits
Tools for teamwork
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/frame-32-white.svg | Frame.io Creative ways to collaborate with {{frame-io}}
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/libraries-32.svg | Libraries Libraries to gather and share logos, images, and brand elements
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/plug-ins-32.svg | Plug-ins Plug-ins to add more features to your favorite apps
Creative community
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/behance-32.svg | Behance Behance — Show your stuff and see what others are doing
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/live-32.svg | Adobe Live {{adobe-live}} — Watch and learn from the pros
- https://main--cc--adobecom.hlx.page/cc-shared/assets/img/feature-icons/svg/portfolio-32.svg | Adobe portfolio {{adobe-portfolio}} — Design your own websites in minutes