How to Write a Report Using Adobe Express: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Discover the ideal ingredients to create a clear and concise report today.

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Knowing how to write a concise and organised report is a desirable skill in nearly every profession. There are different types of reports you may encounter in both corporate and educational settings. So, it’s important to stay prepared.

In this Adobe Express guide, we’ll look at five simple steps that can help you compose a more effective and organized report, regardless of profession. We’ll also look at important information to consider while writing your report. Ready? Let’s get started.

What is a report?

A report is a written document that presents the results of a project, analysis or investigation about a given topic, usually geared towards a specific target audience. A report can vary depending on the purpose – from university reports to business reports, and even technical documents in the workplace.

Before writing a report, you need to be clear about the purpose and target audience to accurately communicate the results or findings.

What are the different types of reports?

There are several types of reports you can create with Adobe Express, based on the information gathered and what your report aims to achieve. These include:


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What to include in your report.

While each report can have its own unique structure, most reports include the following basic features:

How to write a business report in 5 steps – with the help of Adobe Express.

Whether you’re preparing an analytical or marketing document, you can follow these five simple steps to write your own business report. Plus, check out how Adobe Express can help you with the report creation process.

1. Define your audience.

Knowing the target audience plays an important role in how you will write and format your report. It will also help you determine which tone to use. You can establish your target audience by finding out which segment of the workplace they belong to.

For example, the report could be for:

You can then use your understanding of the audience to guide your tone, topic and ultimate presentation of findings.

2. Conduct your research.

When conducting research, the key is to use only reputable sources. This could be information from other case studies, company data, previous reports or official documents within your business sector.

For instance, if you’re crafting a sales report, your main research might involve reviewing your annual sales data, comparing data to previous years, or conducting a customer survey.

You can then combine this with any competitor analysis or market research you’ve been doing in the background.

3. Decide on your format and structure.

When writing a report, you should format it to be easily readable and digestible. Each report might need different sections depending on its purpose, but a general format includes an executive summary, introduction, body and conclusion.

Keep in mind that the format of a report may vary from that of a whitepaper.

4. Pull everything together.

A report may include several sections with visual data such as tables, pie charts, and figures. Check the layout and presentation to see that all the visual elements are presented correctly, and the font sizes, margins and text alignment are accurate.

Having a great layout and presentation is critical to presenting a good report. Adobe Express can help you build out these features in great detail – from creating infographics and charts to support data, to designing the cover of your report.

5. Share your report.

How you share and circulate your report will depend on your target audience and purpose. If your business report is purely for internal stakeholders, you might want to use Adobe Express to turn it into a custom presentation. If the report is being used for training purposes, you could create and host a webinar to run through your findings.

You could even post your report on social media platforms. Use the LinkedIn Post Scheduler to upload and plan out when to share your report. This will then help engage other small businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals.

Editable business report examples from Adobe Express.


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Good to know.

How do you start writing a report?

You can start writing your report after you’ve identified your target audience, and you’ve conducted research on your report from reputable sources. Securing these features from the get-go can help you lock in the message of your report much easier.

What is the basic rule of report writing?

Always make sure your report is well-organized, readable and the language used in the report is concise and clear. Avoid jargon as this might be off-putting to the target audience.

Is Adobe Express free?

Yes, our free plan offers many core features including thousands of templates, photo editing and effects, animation, and 5 GB of storage. See our  pricing page for details and to compare plans.