Make stunning social posts in seconds.
Get your message out there with tons of beautiful stock templates and assets inside all-new Adobe Express.
Make social media graphics for free.
Social media graphics
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Make your social media graphic for free on the Adobe Express app.
Create eye-catching imagery across social media.
Adobe Express comes loaded with thousands of professionally designed social media graphics like the examples below, along with free images, icons, and graphics you can drag and drop right onto your design.
Start making social media graphics.
Keep the customization going.
Adjust any template until you’ve made a masterpiece with intuitive tools. Move the text, add text boxes, or adjust color schemes to fit the mood. Drop in free images, icons, and assets, or add shapes or patterns to emphasize your message. Then use the resizing tool to make your graphic suitable for every social platform.

A social media tool for more likes and shares.
Social media images help convey your message and draw in your audience. Adobe Express helps you make social media graphics that you can share across all your platforms for your friends and followers to enjoy.