Invoicing 101: How to number invoices.

A man in a warehouse uses his tablet to number invoices

Not sure of the best way to organize your billing? Learn how to number invoices and stay on top of your business accounting.

Learning how to create or number your invoices properly is a basic yet important part of keeping financial records in order. Doing so helps keep track of your business accounting for what’s been paid and what hasn’t.

But what exactly is an invoice number, and how do you create one? Whether you’re new to business invoices or looking to expand your processes, let’s explore everything you need to know about invoice numbering.

What is an invoice number?

Invoice numbers are the second-most important number on an invoice — after the amount due, of course. They’re unique identifiers that make it easy for your team to search invoices on a computer or find copies in a filing cabinet and help ensure everyone stays on the same page.

Benefits of learning how to number invoices properly.

Numbering invoices correctly has numerous advantages. As one of the best ways to invoice customers, this method helps you track payments, avoid paying the same bill multiple times, and keep your records tidy for tax time. Let’s explore some of the benefits:

How to number invoices using different methods.

Although numbering is an essential part of the many different types of invoice processes, there’s not one “right” way to do it, even with invoices like pro forma invoices that don’t necessarily need to be numbered. Here are some of the most common methods businesses use to determine how to create an invoice number:

Many businesses combine several methods to stay organized. If you wanted to combine all three numbering methods, you could create an invoice for customer 1234 on September 29, 2022, represented as 1234-20220929-001.

How to create an invoice number manually vs. automatically.

Invoice numbers can be created manually or automatically, and each has its own process and benefits.

Creating invoice numbers involves manually adding them to each invoice as you create them, usually at the top of the document, PDF, or spreadsheet. Adding numbers individually requires you to keep track of the numbers, making sure each new invoice increments correctly from the last. Although this process is simple and direct, it is prone to errors — especially as the volume of transactions grows.

Meanwhile, automatic systems generate the invoice numbers for you. These systems can be customized to follow specific sequences or patterns and apply an invoice number to each new invoice. This method makes sure the information is accurate and consistent and is ideal for businesses with frequent invoicing needs.

Which invoice numbering method is right for you?

Ultimately, there’s no “best” way to number invoices. The best method depends on which method works for your business. When choosing the right method, consider a few key aspects:

Once you determine which method you prefer, you can start numbering and sending invoices to clients and easily stay on top of billing.

Tools to streamline client invoicing for your business.

Take a moment to learn more about how you can use tools to create and edit PDF invoices. Discover everything you can do with Adobe Acrobat for business.