Sign with a digital signature.
Creating a digital signature in a PDF file is easy with Adobe Acrobat Sign.
Click review link and opt to digitally sign.
1. Click review link and opt to digitally sign.
Click review link and opt to sign PDFs digitally. Click the “click here to review and sign … “ dialog box in the email you received from the sender of the document. Click on the “Click to digitally sign” button in the document to sign.
Select signature source and select name.
2. Select signature source and select name.
Choose to sign with a cloud signature and select the name of your digital ID certificate provider. If you do not have a digital ID certificate, visit the link above to sign up with a digital ID provider.
Sign in and apply digital signature.
3. Sign in and apply digital signature.
Sign in to your digital ID provider and select your digital ID. Then select ‘‘Next’’ to apply the digital signature to the document’s signature field.
Preview signature.
4. Preview signature.
A preview of the signature is presented. Click ‘‘Edit Signature’’ to manually sign via mouse or touch screen, or upload an image of your signature then select ‘‘OK.’’
Authenticate the signature.
5. Authenticate the signature.
Finally, select “Click to Sign,” and you will be required to enter your digital ID provider’s PIN and one-time-passcode to authenticate your digital signature.
Your Signed document is sent.
6. Your Signed document is sent.
When the authentication is complete, your document is digitally signed, and Acrobat Sign will automatically send you and the sender the final signed document.
- Click review link and opt to digitally sign.
- Select signature source and select name.
- Sign in and apply digital signature.
- Preview signature.
- Authenticate the signature.
- Your Signed document is sent.
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What are digital signatures?
When signing documents online, no method is more advance or secure as using a digital signature. You can use a digital signature to comply with the most demanding legal and regulatory requirements because it provides the highest level of assurance about each signer’s identity and the authenticity of the documents they sign.
Your digital ID is trusted.
Compliant, certificate-based digital IDs come from accredited providers. You need to prove your identity before you can get one.
It all gets encrypted.
Your own digital signature and the PDF document you sign are encrypted together and bound with a tamper-evident seal.
It’s unique to you.
Every time you sign a document, you use your own unique digital certificate and PIN to validate your credentials and prove you’re who you say you are.
It’s easy to validate.
Both the signed document and your digital signature can be revalidated by a Certificate Authority CA) or TSP for up to 10 years after the signing event.
Have you considered an electronic signature?
Electronic signatures, or e-signatures, have the same level of convenience as digital signatures but require less authentication. You can sign a PDF or other document quickly and securely with an e-signature.
Have you considered an electronic signature?
Electronic signatures, opposed to digital signatures, have the same level of convenience and require less authentication.