Export your PDF to other file types in seconds.

Convert PDFs to Microsoft docs.
When you need a Microsoft document but don’t have the source file, don’t worry. With Adobe Acrobat, exporting a PDF file to a Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document is simple. That means you can spend less time retyping by simply reuse the content in your PDF.
You can even do it on the go, from any device. When you export to PDF or vice versa using Acrobat, all formatting, page numbers and fonts of your original file stay intact.

Turn a PDF into an image or webpage.
Take any PDF document and export it as a JPG (JPEG), TIFF or PNG image — then save as a new file. You can even turn a PDF into a functioning HTML webpage.

With Acrobat, you really can work from anywhere.
Export just about any file format to an editable PDF on the go with Acrobat. When you have the PDF tools you need in a single solution, you can stay productive — wherever, whenever. Adobe makes it easy to create, edit, share and e-sign PDFs across desktop, mobile and web. You can even reduce file size for easier sharing.

Try it online.
You can try some of our PDF tools right now — online, on the spot. Discover how easy and powerful working with PDFs can be with Adobe Acrobat.
Turn PDF pages into a Microsoft Word document (docx) or rich text format.
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Turn any PDF into a JPG or other image file type.
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Convert a PDF into a Microsoft Excel file.
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Convert PDFs to Microsoft PowerPoint files.
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Rely on Adobe Acrobat. Along with five million organisations.
Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are the choice of millions of organisations around the world to quickly create and edit PDF files and for accessibility to view them on any screen. Acrobat offers powerful PDF converter features to turn PDFs into instantly usable documents of other types. It simplifies workflows and gives teams greater productivity and collaboration so they can keep business moving from anywhere. Make it all happen with Adobe — the company that invented the PDF format.