Get ready, get set, go… with Sports Day poster ideas, certificates, and banners.

Sports Day is an important date in every school calendar. So, why not get ahead and start planning? From Sports Day poster ideas to race itineraries and participation certificates, find the templates and resources you need with our Sports Day guide.

Create your posters and certificates now



Whether it’s a school event, work competition or family fun day, a Sports Day is sure to add some excitement to your year. Participants –take on a variety of sporting activities and challenges, from sack races to shot put – all in the hopes of winning that first place prize.

As with any school or work event, there’s plenty of planning involved in hosting a Sports Day. Things like organising the races, spreading the word with Sports Day posters, and makings certificates for the lucky winners. That’s where Adobe Express can help.

Get ready, get set, go with free templates and Sports Day poster ideas to help you plan.

Your Sports Day planning checklist.

Once the Sports Day season rolls around, the planning can get underway. But organising is no easy task. See our comprehensive list of things to tick off for a successful Sports Day.

5 Sports Day poster ideas.

With all the excitement Sports Day will bring, your Sports Day poster should be just as enticing. Eye-catching elements can help to draw people in and build anticipation for the big day. Add some creative flair to your poster on Sports Day with the following tips.

1. Showcase the sports.

Three-legged race, hurdles, long jump – whatever the sport, highlight it with graphic elements on your Sports Day poster. You may want to use an image as the backdrop or include icons, stickers or typography to illustrate which activities participants can expect.

2. Go bold and bright with colour.

A Sports Day poster packed with colour can stop anyone in their tracks. Bright, bold hues offer the perfect background, reflecting the electrifying upcoming event. Think greens, oranges, yellows and reds to really grab people’s attention.

3. Add motivational quotes.

Motivational quotes always ring true for sports and should be included in your Sports Day poster. Get participants pumped with quotes that inspire and encourage healthy competition. “Stronger together”, “Get active” and “Bring it on!” can get the message across effectively.

4. Highlight the prizes.

Sports Day is all fun and games, and prizes are a great way to celebrate achievements. If you have prizes on offer, include this information on your Sports Day poster. This should be a standout feature with either different coloured font or an accompanying trophy graphic.

5. Make sure it includes important info.

Information on the date, time and location should be central to your Sports Day poster. It must be clear and concise, with only key points to keep things brief. Consider a list format for ease, and make sure it ties in nicely with the rest of your design.

Unsure where to start? Prepare for the big event with the following Sports Day poster templates:

Get the word out with Sports Day banners for your school website.

Another great way to promote an upcoming Sports Day event is by adding a banner to your website. Banners usually appear at the top of a site or another strategic area of the page, bringing instant attention to important content.

Some of the most commonly used banners include:

When adding a banner to your website, incorporate standout features such as bold colours, clear typography, images and graphics. Remember to include key details, such as the date, time and location.

There are several other ways to promote your Sports Day event online, such as:

The following templates offer a good starting point to work from:

Reward your winners with Sports Day certificates.

Certificates can add a healthy sense of competition and give participants something to strive for when competing in events. Not only are they easy to make, but they can be designed and personalised to suit your event.

When making certificates for Sports Day, they should include:

To keep the fun going, you may choose to have an award ceremony afterwards. This could include Sports Day certificates for different categories, such as the most determined, the best runner, a team player and more.

It’s also important to acknowledge all the participants’ efforts, not just the winners. For example, if you’re hosting a school Sports Day, consider handing out stickers for participation. This will boost morale and prove that everyone is a winner in their own right.

The following Sports Day certificate templates can help you get started:

Useful things to know.

What Sports Day events are there?

Sports Day events are wide and varied. The most popular events and activities include:

  • Relay race
  • Shot put
  • Tug of war
  • 100m sprint
  • 800m race
  • Hurdles
  • Egg and spoon race
  • Discus
  • Sack race

You can get creative with your Sports Day itinerary and choose a selection of activities that suits your students or employees.

Is Sports Day compulsory?
While physical education (or PE) is a mandatory subject at primary and secondary school, Sports Day isn’t stated as such in the curriculum. It’s usually up to the child or their parents/guardians to decide if they attend Sports Day. You might want to send out invitations via email with a link to RSVP, so you can get a better idea of numbers.