Resize your photos to popular print sizes.

Share your photography with the world: Print your photos in the most popular picture frame sizes.

Framing your photos is considerably easier when you convert your images to fit the most common sizes of frames and matting. Crop and resize your photos when you’re ready to print your creations to get the perfect fit.

Follow a photo print size chart for simplified printing.

You’ve found a photo that you want to bring off the screen and into print. You edit it and are ready to frame it. Before you hit the Print button, it’s important to first consider the size of your printing. Custom framing can be expensive, but common frame sizes can help you do it yourself. Here are some of the most popular frame sizes:

Plan out your picture print size.

  • Print your photo with a border that allows for seamless matting.
  • Resize your image in 300dpi and use the best quality resolution.
  • Use a resizing tool like Adobe Photoshop to crop and straighten your image before printing.

Discover more great photography tips for photographers of all skill levels. Learn what more you can do with Photoshop to perfect your photos.