Camera settings for candid photography.

Want to snap pictures that capture an unscripted moment in time? Here are the best camera settings for candid photography.

How to choose the best camera settings for candids.

Candid shots come in all shapes and sizes because neither the subject nor the object "poses" for you. That means there isn’t just one camera setting that’s “best” for all candid moments. It all depends on the situation. Here’s how to determine which camera settings you should use for candid photography:

In general, zoom lenses are better than prime lenses for candid photography. They let you snap subjects at any distance. If you see something interesting, you can quickly and easily zoom in or out to take the shot.

Process your candid shots with photo editing software.

When you’re shooting candid photos, it’s not always feasible for your camera settings to match the moment. That means some shots might come out under or overexposed, out of focus, or poorly cropped. No matter which camera settings you chose at the time, processing your candid images with photo editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop can help to improve them.

Photo editing software lets you adjust elements like clarity, saturation, white balance, and more. You can take any hastily taken candid photo and turn it into an image that’s sure to impress.

Want more photography tips? Discover what more you can do with Lightroom and Photoshop to transform your candid photos from ordinary to extraordinary.