Find photo balance with equivalent exposure.

Learn what equivalent exposure in photography really means and how to create it by editing and adjusting an image in post-production.

A stunning image doesn’t happen on its own — not often, anyway. Typically, to create a well-balanced, beautiful photo (or several well-balanced, beautiful photos), it’s important to take several factors into consideration.

One of those factors is equivalent exposure. Keep reading to learn more about equivalent exposure and how you can implement this during your editing process.

What exactly is equivalent exposure?

Equivalent exposure is a term used to describe finding the right balance of a few factors (like ISO, aperture, and shutter speed) to create the right exposure for an image. When capturing a photo, this usually takes place by juggling things like aperture, the ISO, and shutter speed.

In its simplest terms, equivalent exposure is using different settings for those factors and creating the exact same exposure for the best opportunity to capture a premium image. While it’s possible to manually capture equivalent exposure for several images, this is sometimes easier said than done.

How to adjust equivalent exposure.

It’s not always possible to manually capture equivalent exposure when taking a photo. That’s where skills in editing and post-production come into play.

Adjusting equivalent exposure in Adobe Lightroom can be quick and easy. Here are a few easy ways to edit for balanced exposure in your images.

Discover your photo editing potential.

Unlock your creative potential and bring your editing skills to the next level. Discover great photography tips to help you get started and then uncover the pro editor in you with Lightroom.