Create YouTube intros that make an entrance.

Discover how you can channel your individual aesthetic to grab attention and build your digital brand with a high-quality, professional intro for your YouTube videos.

A desktop computer playing a YouTube video

A solid start to any YouTube video.

A YouTube intro video is a short clip, usually 5 to 12 seconds in length, that plays before the main content of a YouTube video. Think of it as an abbreviated theme song for a TV show, except it’s for your YouTube channel. An intro is a key step to branding your YouTube content and creating your online persona.


“It essentially says who you are. It gives someone a vibe for your channel straightaway so they can tell by watching the intro what you’re into and your aesthetic,” explains YouTube intro maker and videographer Emma Abrahamian.


Intros can include animated logos, photos, music and video clips. It’s important to highlight the name of the channel in the intro, but you can also call out your other social handles and include a reminder to subscribe to the channel. A good intro clip is unique, speaks to your individual brand and is interesting to watch.


Keep in mind, one size does not fit all. The intro for a fashion vlog would look very different from one for a gaming channel. But if you’ve started a YouTube channel, regularly post content or have a strong following online, you probably need a customised YouTube intro.

How to make your own intro video.

1. Do some research.

Take a look at what other YouTubers and video makers have done with intro videos. Explore what’s out there and get a sense of what you like. This research can help you to identify ways to make your intro stand out from the crowd. See what themes, typography and music are popular and consider ways to branch out from there.


“I think the most important thing when creating an intro is being aware of your aesthetic before you get started. Think about what kinds of fonts you want to use and what kinds of colours you want,” Abrahamian says. Remember, your intro should represent you, your brand and your channel.

Collage of various people and city structures

2. Gather your best video content.

While there are YouTube intro templates available online, with Adobe Premiere Pro and Premiere Rush it can be simple to cut together your own customised intro. But first, you need to choose the graphics, videos, fonts and colour palettes you want to use. Each of these elements contributes to your brand image.


If you have a YouTube channel that focuses on travel, use photos from your adventures or a few short clips featuring you at different destinations. If you run a cooking channel, include shots of your best culinary creations. Identify multiple photos, graphics and videos that work for your intro so you have room to experiment when editing it together.


Then, choose the music for your intro video. “Music is one of the things that always takes the longest to nail because it’s such an important part. It sets the whole vibe of the YouTube intro, but it’s a really short clip. You want it to be pretty engaging and fun and uplifting. Or, what’s also really popular is more of a low-fi chill vibe, which creates a whole different aesthetic for someone,” says Abrahamian.


Be sure you have the copyright to the audio you use. Browse free songs in the Adobe Stock music library if you’re looking for a place to start.


3. Put it all together.

Now’s the time to edit your video. How you put your photos, graphics, videos and music together should reflect what your channel is about. You can keep your intro simple and cut several short clips or photos together that end in an animated logo reveal. But you can also explore more complex editing techniques, including animated text and special effects.


The pacing of your editing matters. If you’ve edited multiple clips together or if you’ve added music and a simple title slide to your intro, line those cuts up to match the pace of your music. If you have a yoga or meditation YouTube channel, keep the movement of your intro slow and fluid. A fast-paced intro could be jarring if it precedes a mindful meditation tutorial video, but it could be the perfect fit for a high-energy fitness channel.


“There are endless things you can do in software like Premiere Pro. So you can always switch it up if you see a new trend and want to make a new intro,” adds Abrahamian. “It’s quite nice that your intro can grow and change with your channel.” If you’re looking for a simple place to start, explore these video editing techniques in Premiere Rush.


Brand your YouTube channel.

As you build your YouTube audience, you need to develop your online brand. While some creators prefer to wait until they build a following to design their own video intro, you can make and use one for your first-ever video. You just need to identify your channel’s brand when you make it.


You want the channel art, video intro and the YouTube bio to work together. You can always do a rebrand or refresh later if your channel changes or your personal taste develops.

A still image from a YouTube user's "thank you for watching" outro

Another key piece to consider is an outro video. Ending your videos the same way each time can give them consistency and reinforce your personal brand. Use the same branding and design aesthetic from your intro in your outro for an extra cohesive look. You can also embed other video links from your channel in the outro clip as an easy way to encourage your viewers to watch more content and subscribe.


While there are plenty of videos on YouTube, there are always new ways to make your channel and your content stand out. “In essence, keep it short and fun. This is your intro, so don’t overthink it. The beauty is you can always edit it. You can always keep that file and you can keep growing with it,” Abrahamian says.


Do more with Adobe Premiere Pro.

Create and edit video from anywhere—phone, tablet and desktop. Edit and share for social your professional-looking videos.

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