How to take pictures of waterfalls.

Uncover some of the best camera settings to capture stunning waterfall shots.

It’s not easy to just point your camera and seamlessly capture stunning waterfall photography — sometimes it takes a little dedicated effort and knowledge to make an epic shot happen.

So, how can you set yourself up for waterfall photography success? With the right camera settings. Keep reading to learn more.

The best camera settings for waterfall photography.

Great equipment is a good start for compelling waterfall shots, but without the right settings capturing the image you want might be impossible. Here are a few camera settings to consider:

The best shutter speed for waterfalls.

Shutter speed controls the amount of light the camera takes in — the slower the speed, the longer exposure you’ll have. Fast shutter speeds come in handy when shooting live-action sports and other fast-paced activities. When it comes to waterfalls, though, you’ll want a slow shutter speed to capture a velvety, motion-filled image.

As an added tip, we suggest using a tripod. Tripods are a must-have any time you’re using a slow shutter speed, in order to keep the camera steady to avoid unintentional blurring. It will also help make it easier to adjust your shutter speed while shooting, if you want to test different effects at different speeds.

Take your waterfall photography to the next level.

Practice makes perfect — dedicating time and effort to your waterfall photography will take it to the next level. But using helpful tools can, too.

Explore what more you can do with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.