Everyone Can Add Layers.

Combine photos to create an amazing new image.

Merging two or more images in {{photoshop}} is simpler than you think. A composite image uses bits and pieces of multiple photos to create one new image. Use the Object Selection tool along with functions like Select Subject, Quick Selection and Magic Wand to quickly create something original.

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How to add layers in {{photoshop}}.

  • Create cutouts -
    Use tools like Object Selection, Select Subject, Remove background and Magic Wand to cut out individual images.
  • Combine images -
    Drag each cutout from its canvas into a single new document.
  • Reposition -
    Use the Move tool to drag, rotate and scale objects.
  • Layer -
    Rearrange the images’ stacking order in the Layers panel to change which ones are in front or behind. Click the eye icon to hide or show a layer.

Object Selection tool.

When you need to select a single object or part of an object in an image with multiple objects, the Object Selection tool is your best friend. Use it in rectangular or lasso mode to draw a selection around the object and the tool will automatically select it for you. You can then remove the object and add it to another image.

Select Subject.

Use the Select Subject tool when you want to select the most prominent subject in an image. It will identify the main subject — person, animal, vehicle or something else — and automatically select it for you.

Quick Selection.

Use the Quick Selection tool when you want to select only part of an image. Click and drag over the area you want to select. The tool automatically selects similar tones and stops when it finds the image edges.

Magic Wand.

This is the best way to select images from consistently coloured areas. Once you specify a colour range, the Magic Wand tool will help you to select and remove those areas.

Everyone can colourise.

Learn how to colourise a photo in a few easy steps.

Learn how to Colourise {{try-more-features}}
