Free online video converter tools.

Fast and free editing for videos, GIFs, and more is just a click away with our video format converter apps.

Convert to MP4.

Quickly and easily convert any video to an MP4 format. MP4 is the most common file type, so converting your video will easily allow you to share your content with all your online audiences.

Convert to MP4.

Quickly and easily convert any video to an MP4 format. MP4 is the most common file type, so converting your video will easily allow you to share your content with all your online audiences.

Convert to GIF.

Transform your videos into GIFs with our video converter quick actions. It’s as easy as uploading your content, selecting the quality type according to your destination, and downloading your GIF for free.

Convert to GIF.

Transform your videos into GIFs with our video converter quick actions. It’s as easy as uploading your content, selecting the quality type according to your destination, and downloading your GIF for free.

Free video converters for all file types.

No need to feel overwhelmed by all the different video file types. Adobe Express is the best because we make it easy for you to upload and convert your video files with ease so you can save time and share your videos across all your platforms.

Convert videos online and edit as you go.

Our free online video converter tools do more than just convert your video to a new format. Each tool has its own added options, ranging from trimming your video length, cropping your video, muting the sound, and more.

Edit videos, images, and so much more.

Make graphics, slideshows, flyers and animations that look professional in just a few taps with Adobe Express.

Upload your video

Edit videos, images, and so much more.

Make graphics, slideshows, flyers and animations that look professional in just a few taps with Adobe Express.

Start now - it’s free