How to start a second YouTube channel.

Adding a second YouTube channel to your account lets you expand your interests and find new audiences.

Can you have more than one YouTube channel? Absolutely. Creating a second channel is a great way to keep your content organized. Whether you’re looking to expand into another niche or simply explore a new corner of YouTube, making a second channel is pretty easy with these tips.

Adding a second channel to your account.

You can add dozens of new channels to your YouTube account if you want to — and here’s how to do it.

  • Make sure you’re signed into YouTube (or Google)
  • Go to the YouTube channel switcher
  • Click “Create a new channel”
  • Enter the name of your new channel
  • Click “Create”

YouTube lets you customize each channel with its own branding. Visit the channel settings to change profile avatars and more.

If you already have videos ready for your second account, you can upload and publish them directly to the second channel. To switch between channels, visit the YouTube channel switcher and simply select a different channel.

Making videos for your second YouTube channel.

Most people who have a second YouTube channel use it to organize content according to brand or topic. For example, if you’re a fitness YouTuber, you can separate yoga tutorials and weightlifting How-To's into different channels.

You can choose to keep your video branding uniform across each channel, or switch it up a bit with different colors or graphics to create a unique experience for your viewers. Either way, a video editing program like Adobe Premiere Pro will help you make and manage videos for different channels and conveniently export them directly to YouTube.

Build a second channel and explore everything you can do with Premiere Pro today.